List 010 of language & code word battle reports within the United States ...with examples
Alan Sokal brain neuro-science battles....
explained by JaNet Reno death interNet ..... Marinette Police Chief Jeff Skorik said the
set-up and killing of Boy Scout
Sam Hengel is necessary for the
Marionette community Puppet theater to
Mar/damage/destroy policy
The United States of North America self-destruction by school and newspaper language/ semantics ERRORS.
List of Blog book analysis reports on the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language battles played out in the United States and elsewhere .....
known as music, graphic arts, advertising, and language ......
semantics, word definitions and the WORD of HONOR ,,,,
World Wars 3. 4. 5. 6 progress on
December 2022 in the
Chicago Milwaukee Madison region that I live within
...... and reports in the news of battles in NYC etc
and cover-up by the local community of the
Electro-Magnetic field ..invisible wave arracks
- Emmett /Watertown Wisconsin sine wave
in the KHZ radio battles
— Police are investigating the shooting deaths of a married couple, including a deputy with the Calhoun County Sheriff Department. Police Chief Mike Olson said the...
find themselves labeled as bandwidth outlaws when their adventures land them on the wrong side of the law.
Province of Silesia, Prussia ,,,,
earth electron & energy expression
(now Wrocław, Poland)
List 010 --> below
Preface ..introduction to the situation ...
the destruction of the United States of North America thru misuse of languages , words. nonsense by families, school, newspapers, television nonsense, arrogance,
music harmonic sound waves attacks on the optical nerve systems, etc
Nature's systems .... in year 1996 .... activated physics agent .....
EARTH LAB .... proper noun ... humanoid specimen ....
Alan Sokal ......
to write about the science wars and the neuro-science / brain wave language battles,
......his message to be coordinated with number 4 --> year 1996 + 4 years -->
year 2000AD ,,, human heAD / skull
software upgrade required ....
biol-logical clock TIME BOUNDARY
...year 2000 WHY 2 Kennedy killed?
Thus.... 1996/1997
Alan Sokal ......start to answer
Nature's Fourier(4) sin wave mechanics continuum /a platform of Earthly space/time existence with human activities upon thta platform ......
thus he helped prepare the symbol and concept tools
needed to get the attention of some thinkers .....
and their bio-logical clock/ brain bio-computer needs and desire ....
to cross the TIME WALL software barrier
(per H G Wells Time Machine
and DR. WHO,,,, the BBC/PBS television
message show of the TIME LORD link to Lord & Taylor retail store that sells Taylor polynomial ...basic math / algebra software attached to their merchandise and clothing)
..... thus the EARTH Year 2000 TIME BOUNDARY
Alan Sokal 1996 + Fourier (4 atomic rubber wheels of a automobile as a math-physics vehicle ) = 2000 WHY 2 K
In 1996 a physicist named Alan Sokal decided he had had enough of sociology, relativism, post modernism, and science studies in general.
It had been about thirty years since Thomas Kuhn had opened the floodgates, and at times the criticism had become quite intense - often to the point, Sokal thought, of absurdity. Science is useful and it gets things right. By comparison, what is postmodernism good for? No sensible person will try to explain away the useful in terms of the useless.
To paraphrase: "if you don't think gravity is real, try walking off a tall building. Otherwise, shut up."
think gravity is real
think gravity is real
think gravity is real reality battle of gravity thought field G = 6.667 -->
female agent for the
G = Gravity government of the Solar System / EARTH
G = Gabby Giffords ......
2011 Tucson shooting... COMPUTER EARTH ..symbol and concept battle code...
Tu = Time unit science
2011 Tucson shooting
2011 Tucs .....convert c to vowel e
2011 Tues
2011 Tuesday --> escape VIA
E Schrodinger atomic quantities of social science, atomic economic and political sciences known as the quant universal mind language and number systems
2011 Tucson shooting
2011 Tucson shooting
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative G
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative G
On January 8........... Universe S. Representative G
On January 8...........
On January 8, 1942 Stephen William Hawking
Universe S. R(system region) representative
G --> Gravity grammar and the
gravity government with human agents
algebra subset ....
human government organizations
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and
NASA scientists deny the existence of gravity thought fields and
gravity feelings for fe = ferrous iron atoms in
INTERNAL blood iron-54 atoms
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a super-symmetry existential physics BATTLE location ....... with RA (Recursive arithmetic of math logic systems ) ....... going backwards in time thru the earth atomic underground ....geological LOGIC levels /layers using the
University of Wisconsin ground earth ...sin wave grammar messages
per Waukesha wave mechanics ...and the Waukeska atomic
limestone quarry ..... quantum array DATABASE )
bio-math hematology ,
.... earth vibrations
.... ground sonar oscillations into the inner earth database,
Emily Post postmodern bio-radio from year 1922
EM-field bio-radio VERSUS copper wire radio EM-field attacks on the human brain stem
brain waves.....
of the Paul Dirac academic circles at Florida State University
..Egyptian gravity thought field ....
information pointers of the
BOOK of the Dead .....
the cadavers DATABASE input to academic bragging circles.
Arthur Conan Doyle
science fiction novel by British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, published by Hodder & Stoughton in 1912, concerning an expedition to a plateau in the Amazon basin of South America where prehistoric animals still survive. It was originally published serially in the Strand Magazine and illustrated by New-Zealand-born artist Harry Rountree during the months of April–November 1912Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. The novel also describes a war between indigenous people and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.
Directory of books and their embedded .....
civilian military codes ... secret word codes
translated by Herb Zinser for
the modern thinker / reader in year 2022
and 120 ac (alternating cycles) and plowed farm land
......ddance --> double dance LINK of
IBM OS/JCL oscillation continuum of sin waves. wave mechanics, quiver vibration platforms .....
DD = Data Definition
Watertown, Wisconsin
inner earth core
Math & Engineering Building & Department
Chicago Circle Campus
with the
earth geography land as a BIG sheet of paper...
a math, physics, & engineering surface
Elizabeth Taylor polynomials
North EuropeaN ---> NeuroN bio-computer software PROJECTS region
mathematical-physics surface .....
the atomic geo-location ....
............Michigan ,,, at the city of
Grand Rapids ... a COMPUTER EARTH processing speed site
HarperCollins Christian Publishing
Zondervan, as part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., delivers transformational Christian experiences
at Roselawn Cemetery with
Salvador Dali military language software
with boxer MuhammaD ali
.... e
.... c
Thcorem ...Earth center core ,,,a data center and atomic iron factory ..... Jules Verne 1865
book Journey to the Center of Earth explains
R will refer to the
R = radius of the inner earth .... the Planet Earth round sphere and its DATABASE....
and the atomic geological levels ...
in our case R will reference to the
R = Radius --> Rus agents .....
the earth surface country of Russia
human agent Bertrand Russell
He was one of the early 20th century's most prominent logicians,[68] and a founder of analytic philosophy, along with
his predecessor
Gottlob Frege (Frequency of ground earth),
his friend and colleague G. E. Moore
(Gem stones aand diamonds.....
and their secret social and romance languages.....
code name Gem -> Group atomic container
with a data and instruction package of
electro-magnetic field waves......
with GW --> George Washington .....
Geography & geology information waves ...
a human bio-geo-sensor
Russell with Moore (Mo + ore--> Morenci Arizona copper ore mine of Phelps Dodge)
Computer Earth processing speeds....
time levels and time gears to shift between levels
. Nano-second processor speed
, atomic micro-second processor speed
to the Rose Garden at the White House
space / time .... IBM geography space
..Base 16 hexadecimal at
geography address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with the
exquisitely full-figured blonde bombshell Jami Ferrell was born on June 20, 1974 in
Muncie, Indiana nano-second region.
Jami hopped a marhematical-physics plane
to Los Angeles, California shortly after graduating
from high school. Ferrell then got a job as a
bio-computer nanny in Malibu ...a human female
and lip-stick curves) saleswoman becomes the nanny
Second Battle of Fallujah.....
As time passes VIA football time passes,
Date 7 November – 23 December 2004[2][3][4]
(1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days)
Fallujah, Anbar Governorate, Iraq

English language alphabet runway 26 (EXTERNAL).
ABend and dump
The Insect People(IP) of the H G Wells 1897 computer book ...... Village of IP and their
Biology Blog pings --> Code name
,,,,,,,,,,,,Village of IPing ......
their bio-computer
Internet Problems(IP) created the Execution of the Czar Nicholas ... the Romanov family
Ipatiev House ..FermiLAB cover-up of murder systems of the people of the United States
...whose sub-conscious INSECT mind enjoys
the creation of murder ad death accidents of
EARTH GOVERNMENT system representatives
..... thus we have several major communication cover-ups of the
and software platform that we
exist and/or co-exist with .....
the Office of Science(OS) of Oscillations and
molecular oscillation, quiver. sine wave social activity or sin wave attacks
Ipatiev House
Ipatiev House ..FermiLAB cover-up of
Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in
Arequipa --> IPA address of the
,,,,,,Peruvian-American quiver particle .....
in humanoid format a physicist.....
from the Galapagos Islands EARTH LAB extension region for
ODD humanoids with
ODD peoper noun names
Thus the capital city of Quito..Echo of Ecuador
,,,,,, Quivers and Quiver software
sent to various parts of the world
,,,thus the
atmosphere / sky MOS circuit view of the
Earth land surface life and activity .......
mosquito address space
with the insect ....
mosquito wing quiver / oscillations
Chinese Qipao Dress --->
Internet Protocol address of f(x) = 0
Quivers and Quiver software
sent to various parts of the world
,,,thus the
atmosphere / sky MOS circuit view of the
Earth land surface life and activity .......
mosquito address space
with the insect ....
mosquito wing quiver / oscillations
and the toes (Theory of Everthing systems)
..thus the mosquitoes signal by FermilAB
scientist picture of toes .....
they began with the remains of a failed French canal.
The French frequency effort ended in bankruptcy in part because too many workers were hospitalized or died due to infections of malaria and yellow fever by
mosquito wing frequency ... frequency battle. Some estimates put it as high as one-third of all workers.
the deaths of some 20,000 workers by
quiver wave mechanics (mosquitoes) and...
Piermaria Oddone
Piermaria Oddone
Pier maria Oddone
Pier malaria Oddone ...
Kettle Moraine High school
ATTACK commands and parameters
ee = East europe
Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
the EM AF Meth Church
the Solar System 9 plan .. project plan 9
... symbolicTIME SHIP for
Charleston South Carolina ......
bio-computer TIME pins
.....Friday TIME pins
in black human format ....standing vertical .. were killed in the
Milwaukee --> ee --> earth electron battles ....
double e --> (ee) social and brain circuit
..... electrical engineering battles of Time --> Timbuktu Africa --> Friday
and party and have sex .....
Friday software program for the STATE of MIND
Friday (Robinson Crusoe)
Friday (Ro.........C ...order entry)
Friday (Rotation of earth ...C= Centrifugal)
Robinson Crusoe spends twenty-eight years on an island off the coast of Venezuela
with his talking parrot Poll,
his pet dog,
and a tame goat as his only companions.
In his twenty-fifth year of earth right triangle hypotenuse time
Crusoe helps one of the Caribs, kept captive and about to be eaten, escape his captors.
Crusoe ambushes two (2)pursuers,
system order entry ... american presidents (2) named
Geography Horizontal Wave
(sin bus Base 16 hex)
Harry S Truman .....Statistical decision theory
to application agent --> Prince Harry ..secret codes
...... translated by Herb Zinser
code word Hope --> Bob Hope (BH) ....
the Earth
NORTH POLE magnetic field flow lines
and the
magnetic life and its magnetic thought fields ....expression/ messenger agent for
B and H
Earth magnetic field government .....
magnetic flow line interaction with ....
human atomic iron blood and the
iron alphabet of 26 proton...
atomic prose 26 English alphabet letters.....
has given Santa Claus magnetic subroutine life form ...
a H-1B access authorty to the Earth surface Christmas activity
a Santa Claus ........ H-1B VISA credit card
Usually given the symbol B.
Harry S Truman .....
Statistical decision theory
to application agent -->
Prince Harry ....... Hypothesis array
Boston Marathon Bombing
rigged information trial
with DATA VOIDs and
Black (ink information) Holes
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ....
String Theory applications ..... cotton / wool/and synthetic textile fabric strings of male shirts & pants and female dresses
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ....
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ....
....clothes Tailor ...
Thinker ..... clothes Tailor Soldier in a retail store ....
cotton thought molecules Spy
on human social and romance activities....
The secret language path to television
Elim Garak and Eli Whitney
Elim Garak
Elim Garak
Elim Garak
established a tailoring business there.
inventor of the cotton gin language
...... bedroom sex language
...language engineering for the
male sub-conscious mind
McMath; July 16 -->
IBM base 16 hexadecimal math
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mister Rogers'
Mister Rogers' pussy systems education
using a
railroad train ..train/educate young boys to be puppets
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Rogers pass the information ball
to the eye rod .....of
Rogers pass the information ball
to the eye rod .....of
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood of
Jefferson Wisconsin and its
biased. scheme, bragging school system ..... education violations of the
Thomas Jefferson
living Constitution software
...... thus Nature's brain social engineering
systems .... systems creation of the
tragic data generating .signaling EVENT
Neighborhood of
Jefferson Wisconsin ......
rigged information of
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Mister Rogers'
Mister Rogers' pussy systems education using
Mister Rogers'
Neighborhood ..hood
--> Create Hoodlums
and the Fort (LAB) Hood shootings and rigged PENTAGON Gonads judges of the bio-chemistry... amino acid rigged murder TRIAL of agent NH --> Nidal Hasan
December 19, 1994
AT 3:35 A.M. LAST EASTER SUNDAY, 17-year-old Chuck Borchardt, asleep in a first-floor bedroom of his Jefferson, Wis., home, was jolted awake by a loud bang. A few minutes later, he heard the sound of moaning. When he approached the living room, Borchardt, an experienced hunter, immediately recognized the reek of burnt gunpowder. Following the sound of the moans, he raced to the cellar stairs. Looking down, he saw his father, Ruben, bleeding and slumped across a chair. Shot in the chest and the back, the elder Borchardt, 40, was still conscious. Chuck called 911, then held his father's hand. Before he died, Ruben Borchardt murmured, "I can't believe she would do this to me."
Catton code name
.... Cattle .... tons of beef protein
.... protein meat thought molecules
.... the American Civil War as a Protein Machine battle
played out by humans
Richard Snell (optical criminal ..... set-up to be killed by the audio nerve / big mouth ....
National Science Foundation (NSF)
...high school PSSC physics lab experiments in
Snell's Law of reflections and refraction ...
William Strunk Jr. (July 1, 1869 – September 26, 1946)
Nature's legal systems revenge --> killed pawn shop owner
Snells Law intellectual systems & programs
adopted the
...the E.B WHITE Supremacy program into EARTH LAB specimen for Nature's
E B white supremacist group started in 1959
to kill the older versions of William Strunk book ,,,,
physical biology killing of
Willaim Strumpp equation name --
BLACK (ink data) HOLES of the
Oklahoma City blasocyte...blast trial
William Stumpp (representing William Stunk) symbol for , who he mistakenly believed was of Jewish descent, in Arkansas.[3] Thomas waited outside while Scott followed Snell inside ...into atom and molecule science activity .....trace activity ,,,,
data sets.
.... Cattle .... tons of beef protein
.... protein meat thought molecules
.... the American Civil War as a Protein Machine battle
Catton --> Cotton thought molecules and their software thought programs of Nature .....
Catton --> Cotton thought molecules ....
who attach female software to the cotton balls
potential girlfriends and future wives
for the process of
to construct a happy social /romance fabric
primordial molecular of Laws of Nature
Arizona with agent G
Srinivasa Ramanujan -->
Earth systems sent a coded software message VIA a tragic signaling EVENT to get attention
Srinivasa Ramanujan --> shooting rampage per DuPage County /Chicago communication errors at
Federal snob science centers regardingb the Galapagos / Peru ....COMPUTER EARTH page ..surface Area at
Arequipa Peru ...the quiver /vibration / wave mechanics continuum location ....and its IP address ...agent Pier Oddone mof Peru
and Nigel Lockyer of Canada...
both sent to Federal science INTELLECTUAL prison at
Fermilab by Chicago .....
along with the
.power of suggestion to atomic brains and
their thought sizes at the Pier Oddone Fermilab
Iron Rooster book ...
secret word/definition codes .... the periodic atomic table ... iron roster / hierarchy of ferrous B100D iron atom determined by sports/athletics
..... the education / training of muscle proteins on the
grid-iron football field ... as a data field on COMPUTER EARTH
Roster Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
..... the education / training of muscle proteins on the
grid-iron football field ... as a data field on COMPUTER EARTH
..... the education / training of muscle proteins on the
grid-iron football field ... as a data field on COMPUTER EARTH
conflict and lict --> licht/natural sun-light software
atomic English language ....
RD site or proper nouns/ human names/ etc.
to COMPUTER EARTH at the Wabash geology platform
Fe = Ferrous oxide atom language of
the iron building / Atomic ......
create Janet Reno and the
Fe attack schedule for parallel word DEMO location February at
Waco Texas .....
Ferrous iron-54 isotope 28 neutrons to start
between February 28 and April 19, 1993
attack the Chicago CNA building iron language DATABASE
the Chicago Standard Oil building hydrocarbon DATABASE code number April 19, 1993 .....
Computer Earth geography land region with
the atomic iron beam/ ferrous oxide atom building
...BIG RED building of
CNA insurance on the South Wabash
nano-second geological platform level/layers
in the Chicago LOOP region
the atomic iron beam/ ferrous oxide atom building
...BIG RED building of
CNA insurance on the South Wabash
underground atomic stone/rock government .....
nano-second geological platform level/layers
underground atomic stone/rock government .....
Nawab ...... secret language code
Nawab was also a royal title given to a
EARTH land .geography surface soil sovereign ruler, though was generally deemed to be a level below that of an Emperor or Padshah.
This unique title was often granted to Muslim rulers throughout the Molecule Mogul Empire
underground atomic stone/rock government .....
nano-second geological platform level/layers
HORIZONTAL atomic stone/rock government .....
Nawab ,,,, COMPUTER EARTH language
Nawab systems and expressions
Nawab ..CNA Wabash address space ......
that you can buy at Best Buy electronic stores
vertical letter l of limestone.....
creating small letter .... t .....
timestone messages
...such as the Watertown Daily Times Newspaper in the TIMESTONE
horizontal earth land....
sin wave region LINKED VIA
Wisconsin Highway 19 West to
Spring Green Wisconsin...Taliesin East
The Battle of Huế (31 January 1968 – 2 March 1968), also called the Siege of Huế, was a major military engagement in the Tết Offensive launched by North Vietnam and the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War. After initially losing control of most of Huế and its surroundings, the combined South Vietnamese and American forces gradually recaptured the city over one month of intense fighting. The battle was one of the longest and bloodiest of the war, and the battle negatively affected American public perception of the war.
By the beginning of the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive on 30 January 1968, which coincided with the Vietnamese Tết Lunar New Year, large conventional American forces had been committed to combat operations on Vietnamese soil for almost three years. Highway 1, (probability theory from 0 to 1 )
passing through the city of Huế, was an important supply line for Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and United States forces from the coastal city of Da Nang to the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), the de facto border between North and South Vietnam only 50 kilometers (31 mi) to the north of Huế.
Vietnam war sports ..... ... sports attack
--> The Tet offensive to kill American soldiers
Tetherball ..Pentagon version
Tet --> Tet Offensive
An early variant described in Jessie H. Bancroft's ...communications bandwidth method ....
1909 book Games for the Playground... involves a tethered tennis ball hit by racquets, with similar rules of the game.[2]
This variant is known as swingball, which was invented by Gavin Gormely in South Africa and used to set-up and kill
Gavin Eugene Long and others..
ONNPNN 5 Pieces 11.4 Inch Relay Baton,
Track Aluminum Field Race Batons, Fields Sprints Race Running Sticks, Extra Thick Transfer Wand Sporting Goods for Students School Office Clark Outdoor 4 $1699 $4.99 delivery Dec 15 - Jan 11 +1 colors/patterns ROCOTACTICAL Polymer Baton Holder for Duty Belt, 360 Rotating Baton Holster 68 $1390
BatonBaton Rouge Relay Baton,
Track Aluminum Field Race Batons ..relay from location ....
Long (Earth communication system agent for
ATT long-lines of atomic copper metal wire for
telephone netwroks .....using 29 electron of Cu = Copper
and the city of electricity ..29 electrons for message flow )
was believed to have traveled more than 700 miles (1,100 km) from his hometown to Baton Rouge using a rental car.[43][44] He was also believed to have been in Baton Rouge for "several days" prior to the shooting.[25] Long committed the shooting on
his 29th birthday. ......
on the existence of copper atom 29 electrons.
Other copper metal wire code 29 battles
Track Aluminum Field Race Batons, Fields Sprints Race Running Sticks, Extra Thick Transfer Wand Sporting Goods for Students School Office Clark Outdoor 4 $1699 $4.99 delivery Dec 15 - Jan 11 +1 colors/patterns ROCOTACTICAL Polymer Baton Holder for Duty Belt, 360 Rotating Baton Holster 68 $1390
Track Aluminum Field Race Batons
ATT long-lines of atomic copper metal wire for
telephone netwroks .....
and the city of electricity ..
his 29th birthday. ......
Route 29 Stalk ..corn stalk ...
I = amperage/current region of
Wisconsin waves/ plowed land &
alternating cycles
Edward W. Edwards ..... Earth systems ....
human action figure for WE (Wisconsin Electric) ..
EE --> Electrical Engineering -->
assigned to human proper noun EE
--> Edward Edwards and his rigged information trial
This gives the human bio-computer name server
54,000 dead American soldiers ....
set-up to be killed...... in the
human bio-computer INTERNET Vietnamese conflict
Justice of integrated circuit electronics
...... JaNET Reno death NET at Waco Texas
age 15 Boy Scout ,....Sam Hengel at
INTERNAL acetylcholine molecule thought & feelings ....
EXTERNAL face as a display terminal of lines of
information. emotions, etc.
Insurgency in Aceh - Wikipedia
The insurgency in Aceh, officially designated the Rebellion in Aceh ( Indonesian: Pemberontakan di Aceh) by the Indonesian government, was a
.... Earth Systems
..... the beef PROTEIN hamburger MACHINE
and its protein SUPREME COURT
..... EARTH systems ..human meat representative
Justice Burger and meat social laws
Warren Earl (Earth language ham-burger) Burger (September 17, 1907 – June 25, 1995) was an American lawyer and jurist who served as the 15th chief justice of the United States from 1969 to 1986. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Burger graduated from the St. Paul College of Law in 1931.
In 1969, President Richard Nixon nominated abeef protein thought molecule continuum ..
human PROPER NOUN expression agent -> Burger to succeed the Chief Justice, Earl Warren,
and beef hamBurger won Senate confirmation with little opposition.
human PROPER NOUN expression agent -> Burger to succeed the Chief Justice, Earl Warren,
and beef hamBurger won Senate confirmation with little opposition.
Hamilton Burger - Wikipedia › wiki › Hamilton_BurgerPerry Mason — Burger was portrayed by William Talman in the long-running CBS-TV series Perry Mason (1957–66). Asked how he felt about Burger losing to ...Missing: xozilla | Must include: xozilla
"Perry Mason" The Case of the
Prudent Protein Prosecutor (TV ... - IMDb
Perry takes on the case of Jefferson Pike who is referred to him by none other than DA Hamilton Burger. Pike and Burger are old friends - Pike once saved ..
Beef protein systems ...... codes
Ray Kroc hamburger agent .... codes
Ray Kroc hamburger agent .... codes
The Ray Kroc Story
The Ray Kroc .....roc code
Region of Convergence and Examples --> converge to the region of a McDonald's hamburger stand
is inside the region of convergence (ROC) in the z-plane, which is composed of all $z$ values for the summation of the Z-transform to converge. The ROC of the ...
Region of Convergence (ROC) franchise with Ray KROC
Big Mac ....... IBM Macro subroutine for human bio-computers
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ![]()
The Big Mac is a hamburger sold by international fast food restaurant chain McDonald's. It was introduced in the metropolitan area of Pittsburgh, United States, ...
Biochemistry: Neurotransmission
Biochemistry: ....................mission of Ray Kroc --> K --> expression agent
Macalester College
At this point, you may have noticed that neurotransmitters play an important role in ...
But the K+ channels remain open and continually pump K+ out of the cell.
But the K+ channels remain open a
But the K+ channels remain open a
But the K+ channels remain open ..... the Ray KROC ... K channel sites remain open ..
McDonald's 24 Hour Locations that remain open - Goog
Kroc was born to parents of Czechoslovakia origin
Kroc was born to parents of Czechoslovakia origin
Cz echo .......echo signature of Nikola Tesla
Czechoslovakia Facts
Cz ---> ....... geo-math and bio-math ....
of complex math life and economic power of
Cz ---> power series property & systems money
Cz--> Czech math agent ...Kroc ---> ROC
the 1935 assassination of Huey Long in Louisiana ..
French frequency language of the Louisiana Acadian exile descendants known as the Cajun
in the Ca + jun region of French (Indochina in Cambodia & Vietnam JUNGLES
The Cajuns (/ˈkeɪdʒənz/; French: les Cadjins or les Cadiens [le ka.dʒɛ]), also known as Louisiana Acadians (French: les Acadiens),[3] are an ethnic group living in the U.S. state of Louisiana.
Since their establishment in Louisiana, the Cajuns have become famous for their French frequency
...atomic physics telephone dialect,
Louisiana French (also called "Cajun French"), and have developed a vibrant culture including
and CaJun food cuisine ..... EARTH systems ...
food thought molecules carry
.....sin earth wave informations to human blood veins pulse waves,
John Locke....lock and key enzymes messages .
John Locke....lock and key enzymes messages ...the John Locke
Laws of Nature include atomic social science biology LIMIT LAWS
that apply to
Federal fetus song and dance approved by FermiLAB
....Nigel Lockyer ad Pier Oddone |
and .... the yeat 1798
Thomas microbe Robert Malthus instructions,
and CaJun food cuisine ..... EARTH systems ...
food thought molecules carry
.....sin earth wave information
replayed ....
sine wave .....
Louisiana CaJun cusine replayed .... in year 1964 to 1974 in
Cambodia and Vietnam Jungles
sino-French wat 1884 to 1885.
The Acadiana region is heavily associated with them.[6]
Huey Long
Huey Long
Huey Long
H uey Long
Horizontal universe earth ..... y Long
Horizontal universe earth ..... y Long
Horizontal universe earth (Latitude x-axis)
..... y-axis vertical ...... Longtitude
--> Vertical Horizontal ---> Victor Hugo book on IBM MIS systems .....
Horizontal universe earth ..... y Long
Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), nicknamed "the Kingfish", was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a United States senator from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. He was a left-wing populist member of the Democratic Party and rose to national prominence during the Great Depression for his vocal criticism of President Franklin Delano. Roosevelt and his New Deal,
which Longitude deemed insufficiently algebra radical.
As the political leader of Louisiana, he commanded wide networks of supporters and often took forceful action.
in other words
As the political calculus leader of Louisiana,
he commanded a COMPUTER EARTH .....
human bio-computer INTERNET .... a wide social ....
data processing and control networks
human bio-computer ports and geo-computer ports ..... .....supporters and often took forceful action.
Assassination of waves
Assassination by sine wave commands ...
brain programming a human action figure to carry out the shooting
nitrogen molecule atomic mass 28 .....
community position for 28 years.[201]
Margaret Mead nuclear family
.... uranium atomic number 92 .....
atomic mass 235 in year 1935
Waco coordinates Textbook Texas , nicknamed the "Cossacks"
Waco, TX, USA
Latitude and Huey long longitude
coordinates are: 31.559814, -97.141800.
traveled to
2015 Waco shootout
arrived for his late-night shift
in the Sawyer County...
James Rollins: Home
James Rollins: Home / LINK to the
electro-magnetic THOUGHT fields
James Rollins: Home
November 2008 | Obituaries | - Watertown Daily Times
--> Electro-magetic field Map ....
the TREE of Knowledge agent fz ..... Farm (Karl Henry) Zinser
Concepts coveredatomic En 13.6 ---> extension expressions
--> English language .... living words and SYMBOL life
and the
living EARTH cell Enzymes message systems
--> English language .... living words and SYMBOL life
and the
living EARTH cell Enzymes message systems
The electron volt (eV) is defined as: an electron volt is the amount of energy required to move a charge equal to 1e⁻ across a potential difference of 1eV.
Value of 1eV We know that energy or the work done is also measured in terms of joules, abbreviated as J and assigned to
human representatives / spokespersons / thinkers of
group J = Judge and Jury --> the J group ....
and the J group ( Joules agent Jules Verne and his book readers ...that then .... thought about what they read)
group J = Judge and Jury --> the J group ....
of superior males
group J = Judge and Jury
--> the J group ....
of superior males
The First Days of Spring is an oil an collage on panel painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí, created in 1929.[1]
The setting for this image is an expansive, smooth gray plane. It is elevated on the right and steps down to a lower level at the left. Clustered in the middle of this space is a variety of strange and colorful surrealist images
The First Days of Springfield Massachusetts
rigged information DATA VOIDS murder trial
Value of 1eV We know that energy or the work done is also measured in terms of joules, abbreviated as J and assigned to
human representatives / spokespersons / thinkers of
The First Days of Spring is an oil an collage on panel painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí, created in 1929.[1]
The setting for this image is an expansive, smooth gray plane. It is elevated on the right and steps down to a lower level at the left. Clustered in the middle of this space is a variety of strange and colorful surrealist images
The First Days of Springfield Massachusetts
rigged information DATA VOIDS murder trial
Springfield serial killer Alfred Gaynor admits killing total of 9 women
code ...base 4 exponent 3 = 64 ...the 1964 World Fair with a Royal Flush in Queens
in the World poker game to own the New York City region
..... as explained by Stephen Hawking
in the World poker game to own the
The time Stephen Hawking played poker on Star Trek
Renowned theoretical physicistRenowned theoretical physicist.......owned theoretical physicist was owned by
Janet Reno and the corrupt, arrogant, snob
Justice Department and
their body/brain neuro-science secret
bio-computer interNET of the humanities & social sciences and biased legal systems
(per C P SNOW explanation of Two Cultures)
thus the identifier name of the thought manipulationsystem using the Dick & Jane elementary schoolnouns/proper nouns to trick/deceive ....
( Mayor Dick Dictionary Daley and Mayor Jane Byrne of Chicago gonads language code world of
newspaper ads and the
Penis gonads military code letters ...Pentagon)
bio-computer interNET of the humanities & social sciences and biased legal systems Janet ... JaNET ... NET interNET
DEATH NET ...... battle at Waco Texas.....the killing of Boy Scout Sam Hengel at
MariNETTe High School Wisconsin
The First Days of Springfield Massachusetts
rigged information DATA VOIDS murder trial
Alfred Gaynor, shown in a Worcester court appearance,
has admitted to killing a total of nine Springfield women from April 1995 to February 1998. SPRINGFIELD
placing the 43-year-old
among the most prolific serial killers in the
Atomic Fe agents for ferrous/iron atom
--> in Fe --> Female woman ........
bio-physics with iron-54 atomic blood .....
with ferrous iron atom software language
Justice Department and
their body/brain neuro-science secret
bio-computer interNET of the humanities & social sciences and biased legal systems
(per C P SNOW explanation of Two Cultures)
( Mayor Dick Dictionary Daley and Mayor Jane Byrne of Chicago gonads language code world of
newspaper ads and the
Penis gonads military code letters
bio-computer interNET of the humanities & social sciences and biased legal systems
MariNETTe High School Wisconsin
rigged information DATA VOIDS murder trial
has admitted to killing a total of nine Springfield women from April 1995 to February 1998. SPRINGFIELD
among the most prolific serial killers in the
--> in Fe --> Female woman ........
bio-physics with iron-54 atomic blood .....
with ferrous iron atom software language
Concepts covered
Computer Earth name L A ZadehCode names / letter code ---> LAZ > LA + AZ --> IBM load address instruction 41 (LA) ...... Load address of the English alphabet letters A to Z
EARTH language and
EARTH message systems as outlined by the Nikola Tesla MODEL
of Nature's ancient underground geology ....
atomic wireless
(without copper metal telegraph/telephone wires
of year 1910 technology .......
but using Nature's construction of
electron/ quantum data pipeline
atomic limestone/granite/quartz mineral
...stone/ rock message systems of inn
er EARTH database )
Name letters E Polak --> East Poland (Europe) ..
acknowledgement (ak) to
Lake Okeechobee Florida by
Lech(o) Walesa messages
Lech(0) Wałęsa (/ˈlɛx vəˈwɛnsə, vɑːˈlɛnsə/;[1][2] Polish: [ˈlɛɣ vaˈwɛ̃sa] (
listen);[3] born 29 September 1943) is a Polish statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the President of Poland between 1990 and 1995. After winning the 1990 election, Wałęsa became the first democratically elected President of Poland since 1926 and the first-ever Polish President elected in popular vote. A shipyard electrician by trade, Wałęsa became the leader of the Solidarity movement, and led a successful pro-democratic effort which in 1989 ended the Communist rule in Poland and ushered in the end of the Cold War.[4][5][6]
While working at the COMPUTER EARTH
(Planet Earth round sphere)
relationship between the
Earth geography surface ......
the Polish earth east europe location
.....atomic iron metal shipyards that
to the Earth geography NORTH POLE
....magnetic field FLOW lines that carry data packages
using IBM magnetic tape technology with
magnetic data storage abilities
Thus the inner earth
..atomic iron/nickel center core ......
inner EARTH geology data center core
with the
earth sphere R = Radius --> Rus -->
ad Nature's systems .....
Earth geography surface representatives
Bertrand Russell of Great Britain
and the people of Russia ......
Thus Russia is the interface people between the
Earth geology
INTERNAL atomic iron center core &
and the
Earth geography surface
Poland iron metal shipyards
Computer Earth
Galapagos Islands/Peru ...
human bio-computer odd parity agent
from Area requirements of the quiver vibration
.... wave mechanics continuum at
Arequipa --> ip address agent Pier Odd parity routed to North America .....
as an odd/weird Earth Lab human specimen
from the
Charles Darwin ....Galapagos/Peru region
route the bio-electron 2-legged ODD .....
4 language versions of 1 volume existence
route Arequipa quiver/ oscillation human
interceptor bio-sensor ...IP address
as an odd/weird Earth Lab human specimen
from the
Charles Darwin ....Galapagos/Peru region
to St.Charles (Darwin), illinois(e) region for the
sick/ill language
Lech Wałęsa,
an electrician, became a trade-union activist, for which he was persecuted by the government, placed under surveillance, fired in 1976, and arrested several times.
Polish ...Warsaw art school schemes and
Polish-American children rackets .....
create the the nasty events .....
Warsaw child art schools .....
program human bio-computer blood arteries with software instruction to
kill the older generation of
Polish values, hard work, serious thoughts ,
and heritage VIA
the programmed decision IMPLANT
into the airplane passenger leaders brain
to over-ride the pilot
Code names / letter code ---> LAZ > LA + AZ --> IBM load address instruction 41 (LA) ...... Load address of the English alphabet letters A to Z
EARTH language and
EARTH message systems as outlined by the Nikola Tesla MODEL
of Nature's ancient underground geology ....
atomic wireless
(without copper metal telegraph/telephone wires
of year 1910 technology .......
but using Nature's construction of
electron/ quantum data pipeline
atomic limestone/granite/quartz mineral
...stone/ rock message systems of inn
er EARTH database )
Name letters E Polak --> East Poland (Europe) ..
acknowledgement (ak) to
Lake Okeechobee Florida by
Lech(o) Walesa messages
Lech(0) Wałęsa (/ˈlɛx vəˈwɛnsə, vɑːˈlɛnsə/;[1][2] Polish: [ˈlɛɣ vaˈwɛ̃sa] (listen);[3] born 29 September 1943) is a Polish statesman, dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who served as the President of Poland between 1990 and 1995. After winning the 1990 election, Wałęsa became the first democratically elected President of Poland since 1926 and the first-ever Polish President elected in popular vote. A shipyard electrician by trade, Wałęsa became the leader of the Solidarity movement, and led a successful pro-democratic effort which in 1989 ended the Communist rule in Poland and ushered in the end of the Cold War.[4][5][6]
While working at the COMPUTER EARTH
(Planet Earth round sphere)
relationship between the
Earth geography surface ......
the Polish earth east europe location
.....atomic iron metal shipyards that
to the Earth geography NORTH POLE
....magnetic field FLOW lines that carry data packages
using IBM magnetic tape technology with
magnetic data storage abilities
Thus the inner earth
..atomic iron/nickel center core ......
inner EARTH geology data center core
with the
earth sphere R = Radius --> Rus -->
ad Nature's systems .....
Earth geography surface representatives
Bertrand Russell of Great Britain
and the people of Russia ......
Thus Russia is the interface people between the
Earth geology
INTERNAL atomic iron center core &
and the
Earth geography surface
Poland iron metal shipyards
Computer Earth
Galapagos Islands/Peru ...
human bio-computer odd parity agent
from Area requirements of the quiver vibration
.... wave mechanics continuum at
Arequipa --> ip address agent Pier Odd parity routed to North America .....
as an odd/weird Earth Lab human specimen
from the
Charles Darwin ....Galapagos/Peru region
route the bio-electron 2-legged ODD .....
4 language versions of 1 volume existence
interceptor bio-sensor ...IP address
as an odd/weird Earth Lab human specimen
from the
Charles Darwin ....Galapagos/Peru region
to St.Charles (Darwin), illinois(e) region for the
sick/ill language
Lech Wałęsa,
an electrician, became a trade-union activist, for which he was persecuted by the government, placed under surveillance, fired in 1976, and arrested several times.
Polish ...Warsaw art school schemes and
Polish-American children rackets .....
create the the nasty events .....
Warsaw child art schools .....
program human bio-computer blood arteries with software instruction to
kill the older generation of
Polish values, hard work, serious thoughts ,
and heritage VIA
the programmed decision IMPLANT
into the airplane passenger leaders brain
to over-ride the pilot
Polish President, 96 Others Killed in Plane Crash April 09, 2010 8:00 PM Russian officials say Polish President Lech Kaczynski has died in a plane crash in western Russia. Russian news...
Apr 10, 2010Polish president Lech Kaczynski killed in plane crash All 96 passengers, including top Polish officials, dead after presidential aircraft crashes in thick fog The Polish president,...
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Polish ...Warsaw art school schemes and
Polish-American children rackets .....
create the the nasty events ..
Lech(o) Wałęsa,
an electrician,
Polish ...Warsaw art school schemes and
Polish-American children rackets .....
create the the nasty events ..
Lech(o) Wałęsa,
an electrician,
NEW YORK Polish-America gets
screwed by fellow countrymen (WABC)
-- Ex-NYPD detective
Wojciech(o) Braszczok was sentenced to two years of city jail time Wednesday for his role in the biker gang attack on the West Side Highway. The now former
Lech(o) Wałęsa,
an electrician, .....
Polish and American .....
language crap schemes to set-up others.....
screwed by fellow countrymen (WABC)
Wojciech(o) Braszczok was sentenced to two years of city jail time Wednesday for his role in the biker gang attack on the West Side Highway. The now former
Lech(o) Wałęsa,
an electrician, .....
Polish and American .....
language crap schemes to set-up others.....
Jun 6, 2015The defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok, 34, and Robert Sims, 36, an electrician, have been charged with gang assault and other charges in connection with the
attack on Alexian Lien,
who was dealing in EARTH financial systems ....
BEC money & valuable knowledge Earth government systems property ....stolen property from the
Tribeca neighborhood of lower Manhattan
and the F W Woolworth building and the
Woolworth & Singer Sewing Machine empire of
frequency & wavelength
attack on Alexian Lien,
who was dealing in EARTH financial systems ....
BEC money & valuable knowledge
Tribeca neighborhood of lower Manhattan
Woolworth & Singer Sewing Machine empire of
frequency & wavelength
Friday, December 2, 2022
Book 1716 - Systems ...secret codes
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Concepts coveredHenry 8 oxygen atomic number 8 play by
William atomic mass 16 of oxygen used by the lungs of Shakespeare ... translated by Herb Zinser
In Henry VIII, Shakespeare presents a monarchy in crisis. Noblemen battle with Lord Chancellor Cardinal Wolsey, who taxes the people to the point of rebellion. Witnesses whom Wolsey brings against the Duke of Buckingham claim he is conspiring to take the throne, yet Buckingham seems innocent as he goes to his death.
Buckingham Buckingham Fountain Chicago Grant Park
William atomic mass 16 of oxygen used by the lungs of Shakespeare ... translated by Herb Zinser
Earth's inner core is the innermost geologic layer of planet Earth. It is primarily a solid ball with a radius of about 1,220 km (760 mi), which is about 20% of Earth's radius or 70% of the Moon 's radius. [1] [2] There are no samples of Earth's core accessible for direct measurement, as there are for
Earth's mantle at the New York Yankees geology baseball.
Earth's mantle at the New York Yankees geology baseball.
Optical properties of human skin in the near infrared wavelength range of 1000 to 2200 nm In this paper we present the absorption coefficient mu(a) and the isotropic scattering coefficient mu(s)(') for 22 human skin samples measured using a double integrating sphere apparatus in the wavelength range of 1000-2200 nm
male religous leader for HOT WOMEN and their 2 lives ....... the life of the WILD Woman of Boreno
as 1 phase of life of the 2 phases
The atomic stone/cement/concrete .....
EXTERNAL social activity and human thought data
into the
atomic INTERNAL electron s-orbital sub-shell .....
family ERRORS create gun bullet shell activity
as 1 phase of life of the 2 phases
EXTERNAL social activity and human thought data
into the
atomic INTERNAL electron s-orbital sub-shell .....
A neuron is a single nervous system cell that receives, processes, and transmits electrochemical messages from and to other cells.
Neurons connect different areas of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Stimulated at one end by electrical or neurotransmitter activity, a change in membrane charge is initiated and sent as an electrical ...
messages from and to other cells.
Sandro Botticelli, original name Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, (born 1445, Florence [Italy]—died May 17, 1510, Florence), one of the greatest painters of the Florentine Renaissance. His The Birth of Venus and Primavera are often said to epitomize for modern viewers the spirit of the Renaissance.
Early life and
messages from and to other cells.
Early life and
Monticello—home of Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President (POTUS3). Author, Declaration of Independence, VA Statute for Religious Freedom. Founder, University of Virginia. World Heritage Site, Charlottesville, VA. Daily tours.
messages from and to other cells.
code name Isabella --> ISA agent
What Is an Instruction Set Architecture? An Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is part of the abstract model of a computer that defines how the CPU is controlled by the software. The ISA acts as an interface between the hardware and the software, specifying both what the processor is capable of doing as well as how it gets done. Physics labs study existence of language,
nouns and self-awareness
at .....
Physics labs study existence of language,
nouns and self-awareness
at .....
Cass Elliot Ellen Naomi Cohen (September 19, 1941 - July 29, 1974), known professionally as Mama Cass and later on as Cass Elliot, was an American singer and voice actress. She was a member of the singing group The Mamas & the Papas. After the group broke up, Elliot released five solo albums.
Oct 14, 2021When "Mama" Cass Elliot died on July 29, 1974, rumors spread that she had choked on a ham sandwich. But it was later revealed that the singer had died in her sleep. "Mama" Cass Elliot initially dreamed of becoming an actress but soared to hippie-era celebrity with The Mamas and the Papas when she was 24 years old.
Concepts covered
Africa Time codes ...the Timbuktu TIME attack on the Ukraine
and the WORLD TIME battles
..James LUTZ killed in
Waukesha Wisconsin sin wave region of
space/time wave mechanics
in the UTC and ZULA time code battle of Bank One ....
Burkina Faso Fiasco near Timbuktu reported by the parallel killing of Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew by Ixonia/ Waukeska region
Africa Time codes ...the Timbuktu TIME attack on the Ukraine
and the WORLD TIME battles
..James LUTZ killed in
Waukesha Wisconsin sin wave region of
space/time wave mechanics
in the UTC and ZULA time code battle of Bank One ....
Burkina Faso Fiasco near Timbuktu reported by the parallel killing of Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew by Ixonia/ Waukeska region
There are 32 hours and 58 minutes from Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 3:02 PM to Friday, December 2, 2022, 12:00 AM.
Friday is the fifth day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601 and is considered the last working day of the week in most western countries. Norse goddess Frigg. JeffreyThompson© Friday comes after Thursday and before Saturday in our modern-day Gregorian Calendar.
Naming FridayNaming Friday
Naming Friday
Naming Fri --> Africa ...large land continent
and the TIME city within Friday of Africa
Time data record buffers ...algebra set theory of Algeria ....
union of K sets (uk)
union of K sets (uk)
Timbuktu Timbuktu Timbuktu Timbuktu ( / ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː / TIM-buk-TOO; French: Tombouctou; Tuareg: ⵜⵏⴱⴾⵜ, romanized: Tin Buqt; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu) is a city in Mali, situated twenty kilometres (12 mi) north of the Niger River. The town is the capital of the Tombouctou Region, one of the eight administrative regions of Mali. It had a population of 54,453 in the 2009 census.
Time language LINK to the
French language ,....
an earth soil/land/ atomic sand
(silicon electron clocks).....
French language interface language and its
French frequency
Different TIME tribes?....
music-time of Ear people,
Bio-TIME and Geo-Time
tribes governed until
the French frequency took over the
Time frequency of TimBuktu .....
using French time frequency in the
and its sand electron systems
... electron thought and
feeling circuit systems in 1893,
a situation that lasted until it became part of the Republic of Mali in 1960.
Different tribes governed until
the French frequency took over the
Time frequency of TimBuktu .....
using French time frequency
and its
French frequency wave
..rench --> wave wrench with leverage
of the inner EARTH radius per Jules Verne
...and his bio-sensor LINK to the underground ...
ground sonar .....
the year 1864 /1865 information Journey to the Earth atomic iron/nickel center core.....
to establish
the French version of communications with
nickel atom thoughts ....
similar to English Language ...
Geoffrey frequency Chaucer year 1400
wave frequency platform / message continuum ....
that was used by
Charles Dickens 1838 interface to the
inner earth nickel DATABASE
that surfaced in Great Britain .....
a data stream that was intercepted by Charles Dickens and published as Nickel Nickel bytes of IBM data
atom word....Nickel
atom word....Nick known as St Nick
human word....Nickle
in the
and its sand electron systems
... electron thought and
feeling circuit systems in 1893,
In its Golden Age, the town's numerous
Islamic atomic scholars and extensive
secret trading network
(1 visible and 1 hidden/secret system = 2 = two) ....
supported an important book trade,
Time data record buffers ...algebra set theory of Algeria ....
union of K sets (uk)
Different TIME tribes?....
music-time of Ear people,
Bio-TIME and Geo-Time
tribes governed until
the French frequency took over the
Time frequency of TimBuktu .....
using French time frequency in the
and its sand electron systems
... electron thought and
feeling circuit systems in 1893,
a situation that lasted until it became part of the Republic of Mali in 1960.
Different tribes governed until
the French frequency took over the
Time frequency of TimBuktu .....
using French time frequency
and its
French frequency wave
..rench --> wave wrench with leverage
of the inner EARTH radius per Jules Verne
...and his bio-sensor LINK to the underground ...
ground sonar .....
the year 1864 /1865 information Journey to the Earth atomic iron/nickel center core.....
to establish
the French version of communications with
nickel atom thoughts ....
similar to English Language ...
Geoffrey frequency Chaucer year 1400
wave frequency platform / message continuum ....
that was used by
Charles Dickens 1838 interface to the
inner earth nickel DATABASE
that surfaced in Great Britain .....
a data stream that was intercepted by Charles Dickens and published as Nickel Nickel bytes of IBM data
atom word....Nickel
atom word....Nick known as St Nick
human word....Nickle
in the
and its sand electron systems
... electron thought and
feeling circuit systems in 1893,
In its Golden Age, the town's numerous
Islamic atomic scholars and extensive
secret trading network
(1 visible and 1 hidden/secret system = 2 = two) ....
supported an important book trade,
union of K sets (uk)
Nov 10, 2022Claude Monet, in full Oscar-Claude Monet, (born November 14, 1840, Paris, France—died December 5, 1926, Giverny), French painter who was the initiator, leader, and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style.
Biography, Art,
Biography, Art,
The victims included the church's pastor, the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, 41, a Democratic member of the state Senate, two sources told NBC News. Mullen said police were called on a report of a...
Mullen said
Mullen saidMullen said via Main Street USA system of the
book Sinclair Lewis code Wisconsin
Mullen said
Mullen said earth address space
212 W Main Street. Watertown, Wisconsin, USA.
The Persistence of Memory (Catalan: La persistència de la memòria) is a 1931 painting by artist Salvador Dalí and one of the most recognizable
works of Surrealism
of the NATURE
of surface area messages of EARTHLY space/time ,
and real reality language......
in the format expression language such as
art /.canvas / paint .
First shown at the Julien Levy Gallery in 1932, since 1934 the painting has been in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, which received it from an anonymous donor. It is widely recognized and frequently referred to in popular culture,[1] and sometimes referred to by more descriptive titles, such as "Melting Clocks", "The Soft Watches" or "The Melting Watches".
Germaic language word ...
AfriKa ---> Franz Kafka TIME codes and the
book Sinclair Lewis code Wisconsin
works of Surrealism
of the NATURE
of surface area messages of EARTHLY space/time ,
and real reality language......
in the format expression language such as
art /.canvas / paint .
AfriKa ---> Franz Kafka TIME codes and the
Franz Kafka [a] (3 July 1883 - 3 June 1924) was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic.
"The Metamorphosis" and novels The Trial and The Castle. his unfinished works, including his novels The Trial, The Castle, and Amerika, but Brod ignored these instructions, and had much of his work published.
AfriKa ---> Franz Kafka
TIME battles
Timbuktu time buffers
VSthe time buffers of Burkina Faso
TIME battles
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso --
Suspected Islamic extremists opened fire at a Turkish restaurant in the capital of Burkina Faso late Sunday, killing 18 people in the second such attack on a...
Suspected Islamic extremists opened fire at a Turkish restaurant in the capital of Burkina Faso late Sunday, killing 18 people in the second such attack on a...
August 14, 2017, 1:53 PM Ouagadougou (AFP) - Eighteen people, including at least eight foreigners were shot dead in a Turkish restaurant in Burkina Faso, according to a provisional toll...
Turkish restaurant in Burkina Faso,Turkish restaurant in Burkina Faso,T --> Time Bur --> Buffer Fiasco fiascofē-ăs′kō
- A complete failure.
- A flask; a bottle. See flask.
- A failure in a musical or dramatic performance; an ignominious failure of any kind; a complete breakdown.
the WORLD TIME battles
Burkina Faso Fiasco near Timbuktu reported by the
parallel killing of Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew
by Ixonia/ Waukeska region
- A complete failure.
- A flask; a bottle. See flask.
- A failure in a musical or dramatic performance; an ignominious failure of any kind; a complete breakdown.
the WORLD TIME battles
Burkina Faso Fiasco near Timbuktu reported by the
parallel killing of Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew
by Ixonia/ Waukeska region
Dec 20, 2020Hack's father reported them missing on August 10, 1980. On August 15, 1980, investigators found Kelly's tattered clothes in the road about three miles away from the Concord house. Tim's body was also found in the same area on August 16, 1980.
- Dec 20, 2020Hack's father reported them missing on August 10, 1980. On August 15, 1980, investigators found Kelly's tattered clothes in the road about three miles away from the Concord house. Tim's body was also found in the same area on August 16, 1980.
June 21, 2010 By Alice Photo by Sue Edward Edwards, of Louisville, Ky., was arrested after DNA connected him to the unsolved murders of Tim Hack and Kelly Drew, who disappeared from a Wisconsin wedding reception in August 1980. Their bodies were found weeks later in the woods. Investigators believe Hack was stabbed and Drew strangled.
..James LUTZ killed in
Waukesha Wisconsin sin wave region of
space/time wave mechanics
in the UTC and ZULA time code battle of Bank One ....
- June 21, 2010 By Alice Photo by Sue Edward Edwards, of Louisville, Ky., was arrested after DNA connected him to the unsolved murders of Tim Hack and Kelly Drew, who disappeared from a Wisconsin wedding reception in August 1980. Their bodies were found weeks later in the woods. Investigators believe Hack was stabbed and Drew strangled.
..James LUTZ killed in
Waukesha Wisconsin sin wave region of
space/time wave mechanics
Captain Lutz was fatally shot by James Oswald and
his son Ted while responding to a bank robbery in
Wales on April 28, 1994.
The Oswalds were arrested hours later after a
gun battle with police....
his son Ted while responding to a bank robbery in
Wales on April 28, 1994.
The Oswalds were arrested hours later after a
gun battle with police....
Concepts covered
Galileo nucleotide codes by
Ludwig Bolt Boltzman ....
entropy manuscript ..... extension ..messenger agent
Bolt --> Bertolt Brecht ...translated by Herb Zinser
Galileo nucleotide codes by
Ludwig Bolt Boltzman ....
entropy manuscript ..... extension ..messenger agent
Bolt --> Bertolt Brecht ...translated by Herb Zinser
ludwig boltzmann, in full ludwig eduard boltzmann, (born february 20, 1844, vienna, austria—died september 5, 1906, duino, italy), physicist whose greatest achievement was in the development of statistical mechanics, which explains and predicts how the properties of atoms (such as mass, charge, and structure) determine the visible properties of …
determine the visible properties of …
determine the visible properties of … determine the visible properties of …
human family, neighborhood and community ...
human thought and social languages(such as romance ) .....
that are a carried by thecotton thought molecules (and wool and synthetic fibersad textiles .... nylon, polyester. acrylic, etc)
ludwig boltzmann
ludwig bolt ...... connects the existential language of cotton textile bolts of shirts/pants and their language of fashion/ style/ colors and pattern ....\
and work uniforms worn by atomic iron metal BOLT workers ..... such as the the ferrous/iron atom language of the
26 protons
26 alphabet letters of ancient Hittites ..
and their
human body bvio-computer ....
INTERNAL blood iron atoms that acquired information ....
from the
EXTERNAL atomic iron world of minerals ....
atomic communication continuum .....
and the data FLOW of EXTERNAL iron atom DATABASES .... by human touch and proximity into INTERNAL human blood iron atoms .....
and eventually a bi-directional data flow betwwen
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL iron atoms 26 proton alphabet and atomic mass Iron-56
human family, neighborhood and community ...
human thought and social languages
that are a carried by the
ludwig boltzmann
ludwig bolt ...... connects the existential language of cotton textile bolts of shirts/pants and their language of fashion/ style/ colors and pattern ....\
and work uniforms worn by atomic iron metal BOLT workers ..... such as the the ferrous/iron atom language of the
26 protons
26 alphabet letters of ancient Hittites ..
and their
human body bvio-computer ....
INTERNAL blood iron atoms that acquired information ....
from the
EXTERNAL atomic iron world of minerals ....
atomic communication continuum .....
and the data FLOW of EXTERNAL iron atom DATABASES .... by human touch and proximity into INTERNAL human blood iron atoms .....
and eventually a bi-directional data flow betwwen
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL iron atoms 26 proton alphabet and atomic mass Iron-56
The melting temperature of three metals, iron, copper, and tin, is at the heart of the Hittite discovery. Iron has a melting point of 1535 degrees C (about 2795 degrees F), copper melts at 1083 degrees C (about 1972 degrees F), and tin melts at 231.97 degrees C (about 422 F).
.. thus the data/message ferry...
a ferry boat ......
a boatload of information ferried ....
transferred /exchanged by
iron metal automobile bolts ......
mechanics where cotton shirts/pant textile bolts
...... thus human information agents
explain the ludwig boltzmann ...language process
.. thus the data/message ferry...
a ferry boat ......
a boatload of information ferried ....
transferred /exchanged by
iron metal automobile bolts ......
mechanics where cotton shirts/pant textile bolts
...... thus human information agents
explain the ludwig boltzmann ...language process
Leopold and Loeb .....
rigged information/ DATA VOID trial approved by Chicago LAW schools, Harvard Law School and others in the legal systems ...
systems of manipulation schemes
approved by the
male arrogance dance
Nathan Freudenthal Frequency Leopold Jr.
(IBM Job region set Disposition = Old)
(November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971)[1]
and Richard Albert Loeb(new) data set
(/ˈloʊb/; June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936), usually referred to collectively as Leopold and Loeb,
were two(2) major system agents .....
for the year 1632 Galileo language project ....
the BOOK as a thought/ intellectual life form ......
SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE
thus the book and its parameter list of word/codes
TWO --> selection of 1 man ad 1 man --> for the manuscript TITLE .....
IBM base 2 COMPUTER EARTH existence
....TWO = 2 - Binary = Dos
TWO Chief --> 2 chiefs ... prosecutor and defender....
for Galileo the Defender
Loeb's family retained Clarence Darrow as lead counsel for their defense .....
Nathan Freudenthal Frequency Leopold Jr.
(IBM Job region set Disposition = Old)
(November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971)[1]
and Richard Albert Loeb(new) data set
(/ˈloʊb/; June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936), usually referred to collectively as Leopold and Loeb,
were two(2) major system agents .....
for the year 1632 Galileo language project ....
the BOOK as a thought/ intellectual life form ......
SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE
thus the book and its parameter list of word/codes
TWO --> selection of 1 man ad 1 man --> for the manuscript TITLE .....
IBM base 2 COMPUTER EARTH existence
....TWO = 2 - Binary = Dos
TWO Chief --> 2 chiefs ... prosecutor and defender....
for Galileo the Defender
Loeb's family retained Clarence Darrow as lead counsel for their defense .....
Nathan Galileo Leopold
Richard Wagner Loeb
for the Ring Cycle
Sep 5, 2022While on holiday with his family in Antibes, France, Sir Georg Solti had taken ill and died peacefully in his sleep. "I had just returned hours earlier from Europe, where I was working with Daniel Barenboim on Solti's 85th birthday celebration concert," remembered Martha Gilmer, former vice president for artistic planning.
were two
were two
were two agents
were two wealthy students / representatives for the
Milky Way Universe (level of thought and perception) ...
.....Sun-Earth social engineering project ....
the universe representatives sent to the
University of Chicago who kidnapped and murdered 14-year-old Bobby Franks in Chicago, Illinois, United States, in May 1924.
They committed the murder – characterized at the time as "the crime of the century of centifugal force .....
of the EARTH daily rotation
every 24 hours in year 1924
the EARTH centrifugal sideways wind as the earth turns per Alan Turning .....
While housed in separate rooms at the Windermere Hotel on the EARTH ....
Iron-56 atomic mass location 56th
Hyde Park Blvd
for the Jekyll and Hyde Trial
the trial of the University of Chicago ....
BS social science, philosophy
and law school problems
were two
were two
were two agents
were two wealthy students / representatives for the
Milky Way Universe (level of thought and perception) ...
.....Sun-Earth social engineering project ....
the universe representatives sent to the
University of Chicago who kidnapped and murdered 14-year-old Bobby Franks in Chicago, Illinois, United States, in May 1924.
They committed the murder – characterized at the time as "the crime of the century of centifugal force .....
of the EARTH daily rotation
every 24 hours in year 1924
the EARTH centrifugal sideways wind as the earth turns per Alan Turning .....
While housed in separate rooms at the Windermere Hotel on the EARTH ....
Iron-56 atomic mass location 56th
Hyde Park Blvd
for the Jekyll and Hyde Trial
the trial of the University of Chicago ....
BS social science, philosophy
and law school problems
Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold
May 21, 1924 ..24 hour clock signal ,
Jacob Franks, a wealthy watch manufacturer, arrived at the Chicago police station to report his 14-year-old son, Bobby Franks, had...
May 21, 1924 ..24 hour clock signal ,
Jacob Franks, a wealthy watch manufacturer, arrived at the Chicago police station to report his 14-year-old son, Bobby Franks, had...
American watch manufacturer Jacob Franks, of Chicago, with his son Jacob Franks, Jnr., circa 1922.
They are the father and brother of Robert 'Bobby' Franks, who was murdered by students Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb in Chicago on
21st May 1924.
Jacob Franks (and Jacob Collins in the Milwaukee rigged trial on FaceBOOK computer shooting of the faces ofNorberg & Kunish),
father of Bobbie Franks, for whose death Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb are serving life sentences in Joliet Penitentiary, died yesterday in his suite at the Drake Hotel. He was seventy two years old.
The funeral was held today.
Interment was at
Rosehill Cemetery
geography processor
atomic micro-second processing location wiht the
atomic coffin database of Jacob Franks
and his Drake Hotel
...Dracula Key data experiences
thus .....
the underground atomic language
...DATABASE battle
at the micro-second level
...Dirac coffin at Roselawn Cemetery
at Tallahassee Florida
.. Dracula at Rosehill Cemetery Chicago region
21st May 1924.
Jacob Franks (and Jacob Collins in the Milwaukee rigged trial on FaceBOOK computer shooting of the faces ofNorberg & Kunish),
father of Bobbie Franks, for whose death Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb are serving life sentences in Joliet Penitentiary, died yesterday in his suite at the Drake Hotel. He was seventy two years old.
The funeral was held today.
Interment was at
Rosehill Cemetery
geography processor
atomic micro-second processing location wiht the
atomic coffin database of Jacob Franks
and his Drake Hotel
...Dracula Key data experiences
thus .....
the underground atomic language
...DATABASE battle
at the micro-second level
...Dirac coffin at Roselawn Cemetery
at Tallahassee Florida
.. Dracula at Rosehill Cemetery Chicago region
Portrait of Paul Dirac by Clara Ewald (1939) Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century. [10]
The Nucleotide database is a collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, TPA and PDB. Genome, gene and transcript sequence data provide the foundation for biomedical research and discovery.
is a collection of sequences fromis a collection of sequences fromis a collection of sequences from
The repeatedly described consolidation of serial states of consciousness into quasi single states, is not the whole of the process by which the ideas of coexistence and extension are evolved. The equal facility with which the terms of a relation of coexistence can be thought of in either order, is evidently knowable by us simply through an ...
Herbert Spencer explains ,,,, incident -->
sequence of co-existences ---> sequence of code
Spencer's Philosophy of Science -
are lawful relations of co-existence and sequence
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center errors create killing
at 12th and National Milwaukee
sequence of co-existences ---> sequence of code
Spencer's Philosophy of Science -
are lawful relations of co-existence and sequence
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center
Home - Nucleotide - NCBI - National Center errors create
at 12th and National Milwaukee
May 14, 2021At the age of 53, Karen Simek was a talented and dedicated food service worker when she suddenly lost her life in the cold, early morning hours of January 31, 2017.
She was heading into work at Garden Fresh Foods near 12th and National in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when she was ambushed and shot in the face at point-blank range.
She was heading into work at Garden Fresh Foods near 12th and National in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when she was ambushed and shot in the face at point-blank range.
Concepts coveredBook 1712 Bermuda Triangle translated by
Herb Zinser ......
after my open mouth circle with Pi = 3.14159 ....
was eating the thought molecule
of a Bermuda Onion
upon a beef protein hamburger .....
the Onion thought molecule and math Pi -->
joined together to create my
O Nion
OPiNion ..... attached to the
Hamburger beef protein thought molecule LEADER /human representative Burger
Book 1712 Bermuda Triangle translated by
Herb Zinser ......
after my open mouth circle with Pi = 3.14159 ....
was eating the thought molecule
of a Bermuda Onion
upon a beef protein hamburger .....
the Onion thought molecule and math Pi -->
joined together to create my
O Nion
OPiNion ..... attached to the
Hamburger beef protein thought molecule LEADER /human representative Burger
About. Our Menu. Locations. San Diego, CA -
About. Our Legal Trial Menu. Locations. San Diego, CA -
symbol & concept machine
...... beef protein social science language for humanoids
Warren E. Burger
Warren E. Burger
Warren Eat HamBurger
Warren Earl Burger (September 17, 1907 – June 25, 1995) was an American attorney and jurist who served as the 15th chief justice of the United States from 1969 to 1986. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Burger graduated from the St. Paul College of Law in 1931. He helped secure the Minnesota delegation's support for Dwight D. Eisenhower at the 1952 Republican National Convention.
In 1969, protein machine
President Richard Nixon
nominated hamBurger to succeed the Chief Justice, Earl Warren, and
hamBurger won Senate confirmation with little opposition from
chicken drumsticks or
,,,,, symbol for a
Bermuda Onion shape in a vegetable garden
Warren Earl Burger (September 17, 1907 – June 25, 1995) was an American attorney and jurist who served as the 15th chief justice of the United States from 1969 to 1986. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Burger graduated from the St. Paul College of Law in 1931. He helped secure the Minnesota delegation's support for Dwight D. Eisenhower at the 1952 Republican National Convention.
In 1969, protein machine
President Richard Nixon
nominated hamBurger to succeed the Chief Justice, Earl Warren, and
hamBurger won Senate confirmation with little opposition from
chicken drumsticks or
Bermuda Onion shape in a vegetable garden
Description/Taste Bermuda onions are flat-topped bulbs with a short, flattened shape. They can have either white or yellow, thin, papery skin. They have a succulent juicy texture and a sweet onion flavor without a harsh spicy finish. Their mild flavor often lends them to raw applications in salads or sliced for sandwiches. Seasons/Availability
US Army map indicating War Zones C, D, and the Iron Triangle, circa 1965-1967 The Iron Triangle ( Vietnamese: Tam Giác Sắt) was a 120 square miles (310 km 2) area in the Bình Dương Province of Vietnam, so named due to it being a stronghold of Viet Minh activity during the war.
Geography parallel languag
The location of the Iron
The location of the Iron
The Mesabi Iron Range is a mining district in northeastern Minnesota following an elongate trend containing large deposits of iron ore. It is the largest of four major iron ranges in the region collectively known as the Iron Range of Minnesota.
First described in 1866, it is the chief iron ore mining district in the United States.
The location of the Iron
The location of the Iron
The Mesabi Iron Range is a mining district in northeastern Minnesota following an elongate trend containing large deposits of iron ore. It is the largest of four major iron ranges in the region collectively known as the Iron Range of Minnesota.
First described in 1866, it is the chief iron ore mining district in the United States.
Mesabi Range - Wikipedia
The COMPUTER EARTH hardware district is located largely in Itasca and Saint Louis counties on Minnesota
ad LINKED to Itasca/Chicago ......
Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP) software .....
data processing department ....
atomic communication continuum ,,,,,
thus the Basic Copenhagen information Model / interpretation / language translation
...concept technology of
E Schrodinger escape route
earth land as a computer keyboard
F1 --> Farm 1 Farm 2 Farm 3
PF keys
Bridge C-556, a 23 span wooden pile trestle over Crawfish River at Hubbleton, WI. The new snowmobile bridge and Hwy 19 can be seen in the background
Above model ....Local bridge Virtual Hub
Below reality ....Local bridge Virtue/ethics
near Hubbleton
near Hubbleton ...fill in the blank
................................per Rebecca Blank google document
Watertown and the
Computer Earth communications HUB at
Hubbleton Wisconsin
to the inner earth atomic nickel /iron core
The location of the Iron
The location of the Iron Triangle was between the Saigon River on the west and the Tinh River on the east and bordering Route 13 about 25 miles (40 km) north of Saigon.
The southern apex of the "triangle" was seven miles (11 km) from Phú Cường, the capital of Bình Dương Province.
Its proximity (senator Proxmire of Wisconsin) to
Chicago North America
Three important qualities combine to make Chicago-Kent a one-of-a-kind law school: our emphasis on foundational skills training, our ability to get students practical hands-on experience before graduation, and our location in one of the most thriving legal markets in the country ....
using basketball and football leg body language ....... TELEVISION broadcasts to
manipulate judges and jury ..eye/optical nerve brain thoughts
. Foundational Skills
Practical Experience Life in Chicago
using basketball and football leg body language ....... TELEVISION broadcasts to
manipulate judges and jury ..eye/optical nerve brain thoughts
Practical Experience Life in Chicago
Chicago-Kent is located in downtown Chicago, the heart of the city's commercial and
legal ....female gal ..leg / buttocks
communities that specialize in nities, lingerie and cotton panties to parallel code name ... Saigon
The law school is accredited by the
Carl Jung sc= sub-concious group mind of idiots and
American beer can and Bar Association per
Beer Summit message of of President O
and is a member of the
Association of south american, central american state of Mind of the American Law Schools and the Order of the Coif.
Learn more about Chicago-Kent The JD Program
legal ....female gal ..leg / buttocks
communities that specialize in nities, lingerie and cotton panties
Carl Jung sc= sub-concious group mind of idiots
American beer can and Bar Association per
Beer Summit message of of President O
Association of south american, central american state of Mind of the American Law Schools and the Order of the Coif.
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved by Richard Reeve Monday, May 12th 2014 (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and...
Concepts covered
Death on Denial of real reality request by
Nature's social engineering systems
Death on Denial of real reality request by
Nature's social engineering systems
Definitions from the
atomic coffin DATABASE
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
- noun A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
- noun Law The formal challenge by a defendant of the truth of an allegation made by the plaintiff.
- noun A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
- code name --> Hercule --> Her + cule --> Herbert Spencer molecule DATA EVENT sequences from 1855/ 1856 to year 1974 (Niles Illinois ) to year 2022 with
Herb Zinser and
molecule social science life REPORTS
- Walter Mitty is a
brain neuro-transmitter software program ...
a bio-radio ..brain wave character
- noun A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
- noun A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
- noun Law The formal challenge by a defendant of the truth of an allegation made by the plaintiff.
- noun A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
- code name --> Hercule --> Her + cule --> Herbert Spencer molecule DATA EVENT sequences from 1855/ 1856 to year 1974 (Niles Illinois ) to year 2022 with
Herb Zinser and
molecule social science life REPORTS - Walter Mitty is abrain neuro-transmitter software program ...
a bio-radio ..brain wave character
the denial
Definitions from the
atomic coffin DATABASE
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
- noun A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
- noun Law The formal challenge by a defendant of the truth of an allegation made by the plaintiff.
- noun A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
- noun Psychology An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
- noun The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
- noun Abstinence; self-denial.
- noun A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
- noun A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
- noun Law The formal challenge by a defendant of the truth of an allegation made by the plaintiff.
- noun A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
- noun Psychology An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
- noun The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
- noun Abstinence; self-denial.
from The Century Dictionary.
- noun The act of denying or contradicting; the assertion of the contrary of some proposition or affirmation; negation; contradiction.
code name --> Hercule --> Her + cule --> Herbert Spencer molecule DATA EVENT sequences from 1855/ 1856 to year 1974 (Niles Illinois ) to year 2022 with
Herb Zinser and
molecule social science life REPORTS
Walter Mitty is a
brain neuro-transmitter software program ...
a bio-radio ..brain wave character
in James Thurber's first short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty",
signal frequency Freud .... frequency life of 47 years in Vienna Austria Europe
and the 47 electrons of AG silver atom ...and the Sterling silver metal tuning fork frequency 47
- noun The act of denying or contradicting; the assertion of the contrary of some proposition or affirmation; negation; contradiction.
Herb Zinser and
molecule social science life REPORTS
a bio-radio ..brain wave character
in James Thurber's first short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty",
signal frequency Freud .... frequency life of 47 years in Vienna Austria Europe
Sterling Silver battle region
Madison Wisconsin sine wave tuning of the family dinner fork problem
Sterling Hall bombing
Sterling Hall bombing
Sterling Hall bombing
Sterling Hall is a centrally located building on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
The bomb, set off at 3:42 am on
August 24, 1970,
August 24, 1970
August 24, 1970
It was made into a film in 1947 starring
Au (gold) + Ag (silver) precious metals
.... AuGust 24 ..500 year project ....
year 1500 + silver time frequency
0470 gives year 1970
August 24, 1970,
August 24, 1970
August 24, 1970
was intended to destroy the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) housed on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the building. It caused massive destruction to other parts of the building and nearby buildings as well. It resulted in the death of the researcher Robert Fassnacht, injured three others and caused significant destruction to the physics department and its equipment.[1][2][3][4] Neither Fassnacht nor the physics department itself was involved with or employed by the Army Mathematics Research Center.
The staff at the center, at the time of the bombing, consisted of about 45 mathematicians, about 30 of them full-time.
atomic micro-second processor speed ......
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in (big mouth talking shit for the EAR people with an audio nerve brain configuration that LATER
used harmonic sound pressure waves... talk & music attack waves to create the Boston Marathon pressure bomb of April 15, 2013
The staff at the center, at the time of the bombing, consisted of about 45 mathematicians, about 30 of them full-time.
atomic micro-second processor speed ......
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in
pure BULL-SHIT mathematics, logic & language tricks
(Rosser's trick of Ross Perot of Project Plan O = Oxygen atomic computer base 16 at PlanO, Texas ,
...known in real reality society language ,
Sterling Hall is a centrally located building on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
The bomb, set off at 3:42 am on
August 24, 1970,
August 24, 1970
August 24, 1970
It was made into a film in 1947 starring
Au (gold) + Ag (silver) precious metals
.... AuGust 24 ..500 year project ....
year 1500 + silver time frequency
0470 gives year 1970
August 24, 1970,
August 24, 1970
August 24, 1970
was intended to destroy the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) housed on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the building. It caused massive destruction to other parts of the building and nearby buildings as well. It resulted in the death of the researcher Robert Fassnacht, injured three others and caused significant destruction to the physics department and its equipment.[1][2][3][4] Neither Fassnacht nor the physics department itself was involved with or employed by the Army Mathematics Research Center.
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in (big mouth talking shit for the EAR people with an audio nerve brain configuration
used harmonic sound pressure waves... talk & music attack waves to create the Boston Marathon pressure bomb of April 15, 2013
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in
pure BULL-SHIT mathematics, logic & language tricks
(Rosser's trick of Ross Perot of Project Plan O = Oxygen atomic computer base 16 at PlanO, Texas ,
Kleenex Facial and Nose Tissue at Target /kill command /attack
thus the
nano-second processor speed code name Nose
LINK to hisatomic micro-second processor speed ......
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in
connecting 3 computer speeds existential TIME GEARS levels
human bio-computer interface agent Rosser was well known for his research in
nano-second processor such as the 2338 North Second street processor in Milwaukee in year 1943 per Max Planck time code -43
LINK to atomic micro-second processor speed ......
LINK to the Charles Darwin
HMS Beagle .....
TIME SHIP (time level)
HMS = Hours Minutes Seconds of the everyday ..... daily life of human activity .......
shopping for groceries,
HMS Beagle .....
TIME SHIP (time level)
shopping for groceries,
Find the nearest Church's Chicken location near Madison Wisconsin
and in number theory (Rosser sieve).
Rosser had been the head of the U.S. ballistics program during World War II and also had contributed to research on several missiles used by the U.S. military.
later ...he underwent a body/brain perception ....phase change
Watertown Wisconsin code names
Egypt --> E + Gypsy Road +
County road T
Dolton is a small village and civil parish in the Torridge district of Devon, south-west England, surrounded, clockwise from the north, by Beaford, Ashreigney, Winkleigh, Dowland, Meeth, Huish and Merton. [1] It has a population of around 900. [2] Dolton appears in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Duueltone.
County road T
Concepts covered
books.... ABC and Principia Mathematica (PM)
....... Bertrand Russell explains secret codes and concepts
Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM) --> Protein Machines ....
the usage of Pabst Farms ...
Holstein milk dairy cows as ...
4-legged animal bio-computers .... for Nature's
data processing algorithms and systems
Although the Pabst name is world-famous for its ties to the brewing industry, Fred Pabst Jr. balanced his duty to the family brewery with his love of land and livestock.
In 1906, he began purchasing large parcels of
mathematical-physics geography land near
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
to create one of the most important model .....
polynomial algebra farms with f(x) = 0 in the United States ......
books.... ABC and Principia Mathematica (PM)
....... Bertrand Russell explains secret codes and concepts
Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM) --> Protein Machines ....
the usage of Pabst Farms ...
Holstein milk dairy cows as ...
4-legged animal bio-computers .... for Nature's
data processing algorithms and systems
Although the Pabst name is world-famous for its ties to the brewing industry, Fred Pabst Jr. balanced his duty to the family brewery with his love of land and livestock.
In 1906, he began purchasing large parcels of
mathematical-physics geography land near
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin,
to create one of the most important model .....
polynomial algebra farms with f(x) = 0 in the United States ......
In this video
we find a 5th degree polynomial city/town ....
given the zeros or roots and an additional point.
Oconomowoc with 5 zeroes
given the zeros or roots
When the polynomial has this pattern you can render it this way: 6 x 5 + 5 x 4 − 51 x 3 + 51 x 2 − 5 x − 6 = 6 ( x 5 − 1) + 5 ( x 4 − x) − 51 ( x 3 − x 2) where the blue factors are all multiples of x − 1 forcing x = 1 to be a root. When you divide out this factor (using the above rearrangement to help things along) you get
SOLUTION: The polynomial equation of degree 5, P(x) has a leading coefficient 1, has roots of multiplicity 2 at x=5 and x=0, and a root of multiplicity 1 at x=-5. find a possible formula for P(x) ... The set of all 5th-degree polynomials with real coefficients that have this set of zeros can be described as: Where is the lead coefficient. Your lead ....
SOLUTION: The polynomial equation of degree 5, P(x) has a leading coefficient 1, has roots of multiplicity 2 at x=5 and x=0, and a root of multiplicity 1 at x=-5. find a possible formula for P(x) ... The set of all 5th-degree polynomials with real coefficients that have this set of zeros can be described as: Where is the lead coefficient. Your lead ....
Chenequa, Wisconsin
Chenequa, Wisconsin
....... equations of Wisconsin
History of the math government and the legal city of equations
The first settlers in the area were Gustaf Unonius; his wife, Charlotta Margareta Ohrstromer; her nursemaid; Christine Soedergren; Carl Groth; and Wilhelm Pearmain.[7]
The village was formed from the Town of Merton in 1928 by wealthy Milwaukeeans[8] who owned summer homes in the area[9] and were concerned about the level of police protection provided.
Forming their own math equation village
allowed them to have their own polynomial police department.[10]
The town of Merton, which objected to the formation of the village because of the loss of tax revenue,[11] filed suit to prevent the incorporation. It was supported by hundreds of town residents who filed petitions with the court
In January, 1928, the Godfrey frequency Harding and Srinivasa RamanuJan atomic math court .....
of the inner EARTH geology database / court ......
surfaced with a decision .....
for the Earth geography surface systems ....
inner court of earth ... ouput to the
in court
in court determined that the village of
Chenequa equations
to the Earth equator coordinate systems .......
could incorporate. a systems LINK
to the Jules Verne
... per Journey to the EARTH inner center core
Pabst name is world-famous for its ties
Pabst name is world-famous for its ties
P abst name is world-famous for its ties
Processing abstract equations and software....
name is world-famous for its ties to the
name-servers of
ancient Greece ....
earth electron soil systems
and its botany COMPUTER EARTH
InterNET Protocol(IP) with
The first settlers in the area were Gustaf Unonius; his wife, Charlotta Margareta Ohrstromer; her nursemaid; Christine Soedergren; Carl Groth; and Wilhelm Pearmain.[7]
The village was formed from the Town of Merton in 1928 by wealthy Milwaukeeans[8] who owned summer homes in the area[9] and were concerned about the level of police protection provided.
Forming their own math equation village
allowed them to have their own polynomial police department.[10]
The town of Merton, which objected to the formation of the village because of the loss of tax revenue,[11] filed suit to prevent the incorporation. It was supported by hundreds of town residents who filed petitions with the court
In January, 1928, the Godfrey frequency Harding and Srinivasa RamanuJan atomic math court .....
of the inner EARTH geology database / court ......
surfaced with a decision .....
for the Earth geography surface systems ....
inner court of earth ... ouput to the
in court
in court determined that the village of
Chenequa equations
to the Earth equator coordinate systems .......
could incorporate. a systems LINK
to the Jules Verne
... per Journey to the EARTH inner center core
Pabst name is world-famous for its ties
Pabst name is world-famous for its ties
P abst name is world-famous for its ties
Processing abstract equations and software....
name is world-famous for its ties to the
name-servers of
ancient Greece ....
earth electron soil systems
and its botany COMPUTER EARTH
InterNET Protocol(IP) with
In Greek mythology, Iphigenia ( / ɪfɪdʒɪˈnaɪ.ə /; Ancient Greek ...ancient Ground earth expression systems : Ἰφιγένεια, Iphigéneia, [iːpʰiɡéneː.a]) was a
daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus a princess of Mycenae . In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War by hunting and killing one of Artemis' sacred stags.
daughter of King Agamemnondaughter of King Agdaughter of King Agriculture
Code leters ..... ABC
Animal Blood (4-legged ) Cattle .... animal bio-computer software ...
into 2-legged human thought systems
VIA milk PROTEIN thought MOLECULES (PM) of year 1910 ...
the information flow process outlined in year 1910 book Principia Mathematica and others
code name Bertrand Russell & sell beef (meat) .....
using the Bertrand process ....physical route plus
a secret language route
Be + rt --> beef route from the
farm or Texas/ South Dakota ranch
--> to the slaughter house --->
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
protein thought input Mr. Male and his
BRAIN language VOIDS --->
thus his only source of thoughts
.... beef meat and his penis meat ...
and his consequent business, society, and international political ..... behaviors ....
--> to the slaughter house --->
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
slaughter & slaughter house
---> create savings & loan association (sla)to provide money loans to build a family laughter/comedy house ,....
that ignores/ laughs at serious problemssuch as outlined by C P Snow
"The Two Cultures" is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow which were published in book form as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution the same year.[1][2] Its thesis was that science and the humanities which represented "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" had become split into "two cultures" and that this division was a major handicap to both in solving the world's problems.
thus his only source of thoughts
.... beef meat and his penis meat ...
and his consequent business, society, and international political ..... behaviors ....
--> to the slaughter house --->
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
butcher/kill the people in the
Ukraine of east europe from American (atomic mass attack instrcutions)sent from Milwaukee (earth elctrons
--> attack ee region --> east europe)
Waukesha --> use atomic quantum wave mechanics DEATH instructions of the
Milwaukee dancing Grannies ....
injected by human body weight .....
into the Earth soil/streets into the
inner EARTH atomic geological layers
...Limestone message systems
..... dance at the Waukesha Christmas parade in November 2021
daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus a princess of Mycenae . In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War by hunting and killing one of Artemis' sacred stags.
the information flow process outlined in & sell beef (meat) .....
a secret language route
farm or Texas/ South Dakota ranch
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
BRAIN language VOIDS --->
.... beef meat and his penis meat ...
and his consequent business, society, and international political ..... behaviors ....
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
---> create savings & loan association (sla)
that ignores/ laughs at serious problems
.... beef meat and his penis meat ...
and his consequent business, society, and international political ..... behaviors ....
to the butcher shop / grocery store -->
Ukraine of east europe from
--> attack ee region --> east europe)
Milwaukee dancing Grannies ....
injected by human body weight .....
into the Earth soil/streets
inner EARTH atomic geological layers
...Limestone message systems
Nov 23, 2021Four of the five victims who were killed after a red SUV plowed into Christmas parade marchers and spectators in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Sunday evening were members of the Milwaukee Dancing...
red SUV plowedred SUV plowedredmond Washington
..Bill Gates
atomic microsoft
Su = Sub-routine driver SUV plowed
atomic microsoft
Su = Sub-routine driver SUV plowed
The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Feature for feature, this Gold Medallion award-winning volume is by far the finest, most thorough NIV-based concordance available. Read more Print length 1680 pages Language
Oct 13, 2022Data array elements agent Brooks, 40
and Paul Dirac are accused of driving his car through the Christmas parade
in Waukesha, Wisconsin earth .....
sine wave signal processing orders
from theWaukesha .... Grannie name equation
(Gran + nie --> Grand Unified Theory and Nietzsche ...the earth has a geography skin of land)
and from the Grannie to attack Uk--> Ukraine
after their instructions create the
attack in Louisiana ......
and Paul Dirac are accused of driving his car through the Christmas parade
sine wave signal processing orders
(Gran + nie --> Grand Unified Theory
attack in Louisiana ......
Jun 15, 2021O n July 23, 2015, a lone gunman opened fire in the 7:10 p.m. showing of the movie Trainwreck at the Grand 16 Theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, killing three (including the shooter) and injuring nine others.
by the set-up and killing of
John Houser for the
real estate house ....
programming the atomic lumber house molecules ........
with LU (Logical Unit) social science software programs ......that are attached to lumber, furniture, kitchen appliance, etc ..... attachment schemes as outlined by
Google blank documents and their attachments .....
and explained by the
Waukeska 1995 generated DATABASE cover-up ..... explanation VOID
real estate house ....
Google blank documents and their attachments .....
Waukeska 1995 generated DATABASE cover-up ..... explanation VOID
James Lutz Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin. After robbing the bank, the suspects fled towards Waukesha with officers in pursuit. Captain Lutz joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha.
On April 28, 1994, Lutz, 57, responded to an alert about an armed bank robbery in Wales and spotted the suspects in northwestWaukesha (LOCAL wave mechanics) region of thelarger Wisconsin sin wave region/
continuum/ platform of existence.
The Oswalds jumped The Oswalds jumped The Oswalds jumped The Os wa --> Oscillation wave agents .....
jumped (amplitude jump)
Both OswaldsBoth OswaldsBoth OswaldsBoth Oswalds
...Lee Harvard university Oswald
in parallel Dallas 1963
Both Oswalds eventually were convicted of more than a dozen crimes, including Lutz's murder, taking a hostage and robbing a Wales bank. They're serving life sentences in prison.
The Oswalds' ...... the oscillation/sin wave continuum crime spree ...
that uses human action figures as shook/shake
William Shake agents ....and their subsequent verb tense trials shook Waukesha County
( W shook code for William shook/shake .... shakespeare)
city of OshkOsh master crime console commands to create Oscillation crimes ...need to find programmable bio-computer MALE puppets .....human action figures as
the ideal Earth Lab specimen with BIll Gates .....
the atomic microsoft company ....
the Earth atomic computer platform
that all humans exist and live/behave
upon from .....
atomic company fromSeattle/Redmond Washington programs human cio-computer people
to create crime
Gates of Heaven for the Dead ....James Lutz and
Gloria Totzke and Samuel DuBose andSan Bernardino 14 dead
and the parallel atomic DOS (2)
prison Gates of Hell for the living
or criminal Trial Gates of Hellor cemetery GATES of Hell for the
Dead agents..
thus James Lutz and Microsoft
Gloria Totzke and son
Mark D Totzke and
his rigged murder trial
information VOIDS
.... his brain axons programmed
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
by the Microsoft programming
community people of superior thoughts
and arrogance
while in Seattle Washington ....
and atomic microsoft company is 1/2 stolen property from
Galileo 2 Chief World Systems and money from year 16 32 (april 16 2007 32 dead by an astronomy shooting star)
,,,,,, with the blessing of the
Department of Justice scheme and scam departments .....
and the departures to Heaven ....
educated by the
Harvard DOs (2) Flaw Law school
thus Mark D Totzke sub-conscious MIND ...body/brain defense systems generates
a key VISIBLE message
.... his brain axons programmed
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
a key VISIBLE messageva key VISIBLE messagea key VISIBLE message .....
his body/brain
bio-math-algebra DEFENSE systems of Nature
....parallel action
sub-routine drivers .....
he drove form Seattle back to
Oconomowoc Wisconsin to his home in the geography/geology
city of algebra roots f(x) = 0 .....
the 5 zeroes/roots of geo-math city ...Oconomowoc
thus Mark D Totzke .....
his unconscious and sub-conscious MIND returned to Nature's old systems living DATABASE in Oconomowoc compare the
new-fangled electron systems from 1990
..... such as Microsoft basics okay ....then the elaborate software
bull-shit extensions by idiots and leaders.... who attack the old SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE of Sir Francis Bacon, Herbert Spencer, etc
On April 28, 1994, Lutz, 57, responded to an alert about an armed bank robbery in Wales and spotted the suspects in northwest
continuum/ platform of existence.
...Lee Harvard university Oswald
in parallel Dallas 1963
The Oswalds' ...... the oscillation/sin wave continuum crime spree ...
that uses human action figures as shook/shake
( W shook code for
the ideal Earth Lab specimen with
the atomic microsoft company ....
that all humans exist and live/behave
upon from .....
to create crime
Gates of Heaven for the Dead ....
Gloria Totzke and
or criminal Trial Gates of Hell
Dead agents..
Gloria Totzke and son
Mark D Totzke and
his rigged murder trial
information VOIDS
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
by the Microsoft programming
community people of superior thoughts
and arrogance
while in Seattle Washington ....
Galileo 2 Chief World Systems and money
Department of Justice scheme and scam departments .....
and the departures to Heaven ....
educated by the
Harvard DOs (2) Flaw Law school
a key VISIBLE message
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
his body/brain
bio-math-algebra DEFENSE systems of Nature
....parallel action
he drove form Seattle back to
Oconomowoc Wisconsin to his home in the geography/geology
city of algebra roots f(x) = 0 .....
his unconscious and sub-conscious MIND returned to Nature's old systems
new-fangled electron systems from 1990
bull-shit extensions by idiots and leaders
Before 1700, this region was inhabited by Potawatomi peoples descended from Woodland Indians known as "mound builders".[7] There are also reports that the Sauk Indian chief Black Hawk had a campsite on Oconomowoc Lake.
Mark D Totzke sub-conscious MIND ...body/brain defense systems generates
a key VISIBLE message
.... his brain axons programmed
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
by the Microsoft programming
community people of superior thoughts
and arrogance
while in Seattle Washington ...
thus the MOTHER EARTH ....
earth electron rejection of Microsft bull-shit resulted in the creation of the tragic signaling events and the judicial system cover-up of the killing of defective school teacher
Gloria Totzke ..representing the
defective school systems
CONTENT and defective VALUES.
Samuel DuBose (Hindu agent for
Satyendra Nath Bose) killed by atomic continuum of Bill Gates .....
Windows Ten(10) errors explained by Ray Tensing and
atomic automobile car ....
VERSUS atomic glass Windows Ten(10) version of
the Lewis Carroll atomic existential
computer as described in his
atomic glass computer manual
Before 1700, this region was inhabited by Potawatomi peoples descended from Woodland Indians known as "mound builders".[7] There are also reports that the Sauk Indian chief Black Hawk had a campsite on Oconomowoc Lake.
a key VISIBLE message
with molecular bio-computer
bio-optical sub-routine drivers .....
by the Microsoft programming
community people of superior thoughts
and arrogance
while in Seattle Washington ...
earth electron rejection of Microsft bull-shit
Gloria Totzke ..representing the
defective school systems
CONTENT and defective VALUES.
Satyendra Nath Bose) killed by
Windows Ten(10) errors
atomic automobile car ....
the Lewis Carroll atomic existential
computer as described in his
atomic glass computer manual